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What a brilliant demo! I enjoyed it immensely. The dialogue was in character, the music was a sweet little homage, and I seriously cried seeing some of my faves again, especially in this part of the AA timeline. I'm a huge AA fan and adore AA fan content, so this was delightful demo that had me thrilled to play and excited for more. Can't wait!!!

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Does this include the typical white full screen flash effect AA games has? If so, is there an option to turn it off? Sorry I just get really bad photosensitive migraines from those effects. Thank you.

Hi there! I just booted the game and it is available in the options menu. 

thank you!

Hi! Just confirming what the other commenter said that white flashes can indeed be turned off in the Options menu.
At the moment this option disables screenshake and flashes, and also disables some other animations such as dissolves (while leaving in others), but in the full game we intend to offer more granular options so you're able to turn off just the animations that will trigger you and still experience the rest. Thanks for checking out our demo!

Super cute demo, really enjoyed it, can't wait for the full game!

Awesome project, I love to see Attornies in a whole different world. I will love to be playing this on Xbox Series X consoles later on.

this seems super interesting, i love these characters 5ever. what point in the AA timeline is this around?


Hi there! Thanks for your interest! This case is set a few months after AA6! 💥

I wanted to add to what a previous comment here said- I also find the text boxes to be quite a bit larger than necessary, even accounting for the accessibility size changing/accuracy to ported games. Most casual players won't know about hitting "H" to hide it. I recommend just shortening it a bit, because it detracts from the otherwise really lovely aesthetics of the game!  It's okay if the text box isn't exactly the same dimensions because the art style isn't identical, either.

The music is great, the dialogue is funny and on-point. I really love the whole concept for this game, as someone who always wanted to play as Franziska.  Really excited for the full version!

I really like this!! The writing is charming and funny, the music rocks, the art is ADORABLE and well-made, this is like, a 9.9/10 for me at this moment and I can’t wait for the full to come out!

The only 0.1 “flaw” I myself could see on this is perhaps the textbox UI could be smaller? I realize that like, 99% of the dialogue takes only 3 lines of text (and the small amount of dialogues that don’t is for like, a single word or two where a small rewrite could easily make it fit three lines), yet the message box is way taller than that, which leaves a lot of the screen covered that could’ve been freed by just reducing the size of the message box.

I’m so sorry my super small nitpick (that isn’t even THAT important at all. it doesn’t affect the quality nearly enough for it to be remarkable) ended up being longer than my praise for this; it was just longer and harder to explain, but rest assured it’s very unimportant and even if that isn’t changed I’m looking forward to this project ^^u

Hello, UI designer here! 👋

We really appreciate your feedback! (and the rest was heard loud and clear, we are really glad you enjoyed the demo so far!)
The textbox UI is shaped the way it is as a deliberate mimic of the mainline Ace Attorney Steam/console ports (it is in fact the exact same dimensions). Quite honestly I agree that it takes up too much space, haha, but we thought it appropriate to use our UI to evoke an experience as close to the original games as possible, with some extra Franziska flair. (The extra space also allows a little wiggle room for those using the accessibility features to increase font size without it clipping out of bounds).
If you'd ever like to see more of the screen in certain situations, you can always temporarily hide the dialogue window with the H key!

Thank you so much for playing!!

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Ooooh okay that makes a lot of sense then!! that 0.1 “flaw” has been erased then haha, sorry for the uninformed “critique” ^^u I didn’t know the logic for it, and it all makes plenty of sense yeah. I also thought the UI for the trilogy took too much screen space originally but didn’t even realize this was replicating THAT as well, nor did I notice there were accessibility options like so.

I definitely am on the side of accessibility myself as well, just didn’t realize this UI could help with that!